[PODCAST] Georgi Furnadzhiev on Growth Loops & Revenue Optimisation for SaaS Founders | EP 3

Aug 03, 2024

What’s a common theme successful SaaS companies have? Growth Loops, Revenue Optimisation, Growth Hacks and Product-led Growth, just to name a few. And our guest Georgi Furnadzhiev has experienced all these levers in some form!

Episode 3 of the podcast is a primer - I learned a ton in this session, and I feel like this could easily be a masterclass in itself (I literally was taking notes as I was editing the podcast!). Here are some of the topics we discussed:

- Going from Entrepreneurship to Growth Marketing
- Upskilling with the Big 3: CXL, Growth Tribe & Reforge
- Building his own SaaS (MarketHackr)
- How Growth and Growth Teams are Evolving
- Example of Growth Loops Used by Several Companies (Practical)

If you’re a marketer, growth advisor, entrepreneur (or about to become one) OR interested in business, this episode is a goldmine. Lots of juicy details, lessons and practical insights, all at the same time. Enjoy and share with your network (if of value) 🙏


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